
dennis hayes IV + birds



letterpress + watercolor

I'm taking a non-credit watercolor class at the community college here in lovely Portland, Oregon. So...thought I would try combining my just-learned water coloring techniques with some of my letterpress creations. I have a thing for squirrels. And mushrooms. And ferns. More letterpressed/watercolor combos to come!


oh chris!

Remember the little Fisher Price wooden peg dolls you use to play with when you were a small person? My lovely friend Chris S. and her husband, Kelly H., have recreated them in a big way this Halloween!


year of the tiger

Just finished our 2010 letterpress calendar at Lark Press. http://www.larkpress.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=32334897


polaroid + michigan

there is a new app for the iphone that turns an ordinary photo into a lovely polaroid picture. i forgot to bring my dsl digital camera on our summer trip to munising, michigan, but i was still determined to take some nice photos. i was obsessed. i took over 300 photos with my iphone!


sonic youth pdx city guide

Riki (hope I'm spelling this correctly) from Lovely Hula Hands informed me that Lark Press was mentioned in "ace hotel loves....sonic youth", a pdx, nyc, and sea guide with the band's local favorite hot spots. Really cool format. Not sure if you can pick one up at Ace Hotel but worth a try. While trying, you should also check out Clyde Common happy hour. The fries are delicious! 


hibernating squirrel

from Reader's Digest JOY of NATURE...How to Observe and Appreciate the Great Outdoors


love poems

cummings, creeley, + frost
go to larkpress.etsy.com for more photos


first hour

here are my first hour photos. some cats. my cats.